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Registration and Onboarding

Current Situation

To start with your testing and eventually to be able to forward export declarations into the AES platform you need to fulfill the steps of your registration. The registration process works in two steps:

  • username and password will be created for your EORI number

  • callbackaddresses and systemname will be attached to your EORI number. This can be done by helpdesk - OR - for this last step there is also a manual procedure that can be followed by the person registered as the customs responsible within your company. Please follow the instruction provided by BE Customs for this step.

  • Where to send the registration form ?
    If your softwareprovider is doing the registration for you, you can contact them for further follow up. they will be the ones who can provide you the details concerning the callback as well. If you have to take care of the registration process yourself you can mail it to :
  • If customs is still performing changes currently in the test-system, can we be sure that the versions put into production are stable ?
    We cannot unfortunately, this makes it very hard for economic operators to test.
  • What about T2L? Did we need an extra registration with ACP ?
    No B2B messages are foreseen. so interaction with your customs software is not possible. Only via the website > for that you need to assign the correct people the correct roles.
  • What about the AES deadlines?
    CRSNP is in continuous contact with BE Customs. New dates are published here: update 25/09/2024
  • AES GO live and PLDA cut-off
    PLDA EXPORT B2B will remain active until 04/11 – 00:01 – at that moment everything will be blocked except type Z. PLDA web will remain available for display, however creating export an regularisations declarations will no longer be possible. There will be no go-live or helpdesk support during the weekend of 01/11-03/11 for AES. it is “business as usual” no special support foreseen at that moment. Please note that they do expect everyone to be switched by 31/10 !
  • Where can I find the error codes ?
    Depending on the type of error you should be able to find it in one of these 3 documents below. - VRE application errors - General application errors - European business rules updated on 02/07/2024
  • Where can I find the codelists?
    For Eurean codes we happily refer you to the European website where you can download those in an XSD format: In case you want to quickly find a readable version in PDF, the Irish memberstate has made some decent documentation available here:
  • What about the emergency procedure ?
    please find the documented answer by BE Customs here: (NL) (FR) PROCEDURES_URGENCE_MASP_AES.pdf ( the excel file discussed in the procedure: some additional information with the emergency procedure: - 3 hour waiting time is a very long time, not acceptable to some Economic Operators. Customs acknowledges this however the intention is to let the technical team first some time to discover the root cause of the downtime. If for some reason real urgent shipments need to happen (fresh goods, living animals,..) you can contact the helpdesk earlier, with a motivation on why this is urgent, however please note that emergency procedure is only for urgent shipments set-up. - in additional reference we need to add the documenttype 1NPS - however there is only 1 field and we need to add both the emergency procedure number as well as the BCP ID. Please combine both in 1 field with a "-" in between cfr. 1VAT -BCP ID the BCP ID is a number that you will receive from the helpdesk they can provide it to you during a emergency procedure. We need to keep the MRN format so we are certain that the number of digits and the structure can be accepted in each portcommunity system. BCP ID is necessary for both inland and abroad offices of exit, in all cases you need one! To avoid an overwhelming of the helpdesk for BCP ID's in case of emergency procedure, companies with a permit might apply 1x a year for a list of BCP as a preparation of future emergency procedures. ==> this however still needs to be confirmed by the helpdesk This number needs to be mentioned on the print on top (instead of the word MRN) however the word Business Continuity procedure needs to remain on the document. The language of the print should be : EN , FR, DE , NL - preferably make sure the office of exit can read it. -CRC offices CRC Zaventem: CRC Bierset: CRC Antwerpen: , here also everything that use to go to CRC Gent is being handled, So CRC Gent was not forgotten in the publication. -Excel sheet to be provided currently the procedure is 1 export declaration = 1 excel an example excel will be provided soon by BE Customs - Permits on page 1 and point 5 the publication of the emergency procedure is contradictory. "buffering" and "printing on blanc pages" should no longer be required : page 1 all current permits remain in place on point 5 What about a permit "own numbering" : technically with BCP it is not an own numbering but a numbering provided by the helpdesk. Since the AES helpdesk is communicating different information that what is mentioned above - we are still under discussion in what is the correct approach.
  • Where can I find the printing guidelines? - NO PRINT !
    There is a print available on the AES web interface for your export declaration, as not-legal document. There will however be no B2B print available The softwareproviders are requested to create their own print and make sure it is as close as possible to the BCP guidelines. You can find the BCP guidelince in the topic emergency procedure. For VAT purposes the monthly overview from Myminfin will be used, where the declarations are registered according to the BE Customs system with their latest status.
  • What about AES web ?
    The first step is onboarding Access Managers This can be done by informing the helpdesk on who is responsible for your company, by providing them the following information: Name Company BCE # CBE (Crossroads Bank for Enterprises) / CBE (Crossroads Bank for Enterprises) / BCE (Banque Carrefour des Entreprises) / KBO number of the company National Register # With this information the helpdesk can add those users so called (Access Manager) to be registered in the IAM system and are will then be able to activate their first registration with their ID. once this is done - or if your company already has an access manager - you can move on with the next steps: Next step Role assignment : The access manager is now able to assign the role "FPS FIN Customs & Excise Internal Company Designation" property "Customs formalities" to the end-user(s): TEST: PROD: The onboarding process can proceed. For Belgian users, it's important to note that they all potentially exist, as all Belgians have access to CSAM through their EID, regardless of the environment. FEDIAM takes the info from CSAM/BOSA. The access manager is required to follow below procedure when assigning roles to end-users. NL: FR: IMPORTANT: for the first connection to the TEST (INT / ACC) environment, it is mandatory that users (access manager and end-user) use their electronic identity card (EID) to connect otherwise it risks creating a corrupt profile. In such cases, please submit a ServiceNow ticket to the helpdesk or send an email to to ask them to reset their TEST profile. Please be aware that all actions related to the individuals mentioned concerns to the TEST environment. Consequently, when accessing PROD, certain steps will need to be repeated. However, most companies typically already have Access Manager Role set up in PROD, so this aspect will not require duplication. Nevertheless, the role assignment by the access manager to the end-user(s) will need to be performed again, but this time in the PROD environment. Finally Access to AES web: if everything is set up, the EO can connect to the AES web application shown below. ACC: PROD:
  • What is the transition period ?
    The transition period starts from the moment that AES is going live in production in BE and runs until the last EU member state has made the switch to AES. Currently this date is technically set to 02/01/2026 this was moved to a delay requested by member state France. The actual transition date is currently around end of september 2025 however the technical date may be a bit different for testing purposes. When the actual transition period in production will end will be timely announced by BE Customs! but do not expect this before september 2025. Reason is that till that time we have to stick to certain rules that apply to the country with the lowest settings. for example your description of goods will be shortened to a specific number of digits, until the transistion period is finished because one of the member states can only receive this limited number. Once everyone is transferred the number of digits will be extended to what is agreed EU wide. Same applies to certain documents that have to be mentioned on item level during transition phase and on shipment level after transition period.
  • How do we receive export confirmation (599), Cancellation decission (509) Amendment decission (506) or Risk decission (560) in test environment ?
    For all those messages a manual intervention from BE Customs is required (like in real life). You can forward the information to the Helpdesk who will guide your request towards the project team. mention: - the MRN number - the correlation ID - the message you would like to receive (f.e. 560) - your EORI (helpfull in all communication) don't forget to put in the subject AES ACC - TEST environment !
  • How can we test Risk & Control messages?
    By adding the name "Philippe" 1 uppercase / rest lowercase in the exporter name. do not use an EORI. This will make sure that your export declaration arrives in the control worklist.
  • What about the UNLO codes and types ?
    Currently we gathered the following information for AES: type A = other customs locations like quays, customs offices, customs warehouses,.. type B= always in combination with permit 4005 Type C = always in combination with permit 4006 Type D = other (should not be used for AES) mind that unlocodes starting with BECU* will not be available in the AES testenvironment - however they do work on the AES productive environment updated 30/08/2024
  • Are mixed shipments still possible ?
    Yes mixed shipments for example 10.00 (export) and 31.71 (from bonded warehouse) in 1 export declaration are still possible. However as soon as there is one bonded warehouse item in your declaration, you must add the 4006 permit on header level, despite it is not relevant for all items
  • Where can I find technical data, MIG, XSD?
    All technical information coming from BE Customs is published on their website: Datasets can be found here:
  • What are the AES URL's where we need to address our B2B Communication ?
  • You did not receive the expected message reply on your export communication, what now?
    You have send out an Export Declaration 515 but did not receive a reply. Step 1 : Did you receive a correlation ID? if yes this means your message was received by customs. > go to the next step if no, this means your message did not reach BE customs, please check your credentials and your communication. Step 2: You did not receive any functional message: if you did not receive any of those you can try receiving the last message via the pulling mechanisme. if this works it means there might be something wrong with your callback registration /set-up to receive answers automatically. (you can check this via the self-service portal, check the registration and on-boarding topic) Step 3: Did you receive any functional message via callback or pulling mechanism. in case you received a 556 functional error: solve the error and resend your export declaration. in case of release you can proceed to ask for the 599 (Exit confirmation )with manual intervention if you do not manage to identify where it went wrong gather the following information: - correlation ID - MRN / LRN - date and time of the sending as a CRNSP member you can forward this to Raisha Demeester non-CRSNP members forward this to PLDA helpdesk
  • What goods accounting systems will be written off by AES and how?
    can be tested: AES can write-off: * EMCS with code C651 refering to ARC number * TSD with code N337 with MRN number * IDMS with code NMRN refering to the Import MRN number cannot be tested yet: * NCTSP5 with code N820 or N821 refering to MRN number * PLDA with code NMRN refering to the Import G+MRN number *PLDA with code N337 for CUSCAR, CIR , Sato lyst ==> the reference is a combination depending on the type with * in between write-off / goods accounting kept by BE customs is not required for : - private customs warehouses (type U) ==> always use type NCLE - Economic operators using (EIDR) entry into the records for more information see the detailed document info added 30/05/2024
  • How will AES write-off to goods accounting work?
    In the XML there are the following fields for the previous document: typeOfPackages numberOfPackages measurementUnitAndQualifier quantity Rule EXBE025 applies to: Both normal export declarations as well as supplementary declarations that contain one of the following codes N337, N820 of N821 will trigger the write-off from NCTS or temporary storage and must be filled in. According to this information: IF /*/ExportOperation/additionalDeclarationType IN {'A', 'D', 'X', 'Y','U'} THEN FOREACH /*/GoodsShipment/GoodsItem/PreviousDocument IF ./type IN {'N337', 'N820', 'N821'} THEN ./goodsItemNumber is REQUIRED AND ./typeOfPackages is REQUIRED AND ./measurementUnitAndQualifier == 'KGM' AND ./quantity is REQUIRED AND ./quantity > 0 ENDIF ENDIF If you have goods however that did not came in via transit or temporary storage (for example created within EU) you will not have this as a previous document. The type of packages that are allowed to be used belong to Code list CL017 There is no documentation provided by customs for write-off currently. Also the question on how to handle differences in granularity have not been answered. f.e. incoming 1 pallet with 1000 pieces in (bruto weight 1015 kg) ==> outgoing 10 pallets of 100 pieces = each 115 kg --> will give a difference in that case we will need to write off 1150 kg, which is 13% more than what came in, so the document will already be closed. 1 barrel of 200 liters of chemical fluid incoming bruto weight 210 kg ==> outgoing 199 glass bottles of chemical fluids bruto weight 199 x 1,7 kg = 338,3 kg (mind the loss while filling up the bottles)
  • What about the EXS declaration? Route and EORI of transporter ?
    The AES system is designed this way to be a combination of A1 dataset (EXS) + B1 Dataset (Export with security type 2) There is no technical solution foreseen to split up both declarations yet, since EXS is still in PLDA and Export declaration is in AES. Mind that this means that for these 2 elements the declarant is suddenly responsible ! - A1 - G.E. 16 12 000 000 Route : This fields is obligated ! Declarants do not always know the route / what in case it is not correct and the goods do pass via f.e. RU. (mind the legal responsibility) - A1 - 13 12 000 000 - EORI forwarding agent : G.E. 13 12 017 000 (Identificatienummer of the forwarding agent) This field is optional ==> not filing this is not giving errors in BE (currently) it does however in NL. mind that not all transporting companies have an EORI number, third country transporting countries never have an EORI number - not clear what should be done in this case. BE Customs has decided to make this obligated already ! to be future proof - Only for export types CO or for countries NO and CH it is possible to create a declaration with Security = 0 (only B1 dataset) - for all others a declaration with security = 2 (B1 + A1 dataset combined) is required. once the transition period is done you will only be in the possibility to declare: - a declaration with security = 2 (B1 + A1 dataset combined) - or 2 separate declarations 515 export (B1) + declaration 615 (A1) Mind that this last option is only possible after all exit functionalities have been moved from PLDA to AES. If that was not the case before the transition period - only the first option will be applicable for an intermediate periode of time. EXS is NOT required for exports to EU, NO, CH AES Business Guidance See page 137 info updated 18/09/2024
  • What is message (CD595C) = reception of status response ?
    Message 595 = this will be sent as an acknowledgement when there is still a manual action to be done by BE Customs. you will receive this in case of : - amendment - cancellation
  • B2B print: With the current PLDA-system EO could get an email with a pdf-print when a declaration was released. This often helped us when B2B-communication was not fully working (e.g. response messages not working properly).....this facilitation will be abandoned?
    Currently there is no e-mail print for B2B foreseen. The only way to receive the print is to fetch it declaration per declaration from the AES web environment.
  • What about SBA (System Based Approach)
    Companies with System Based Approach will receive the same treatment in AES as currently is in PLDA.
  • What about goods in bulk?
    Bulk and non-bulk goods may never be in the same declaration. no packaging allowed for bulkgoods (logically) - write-off will happen based on weight
  • What about the IDMS deadlines?
    CRSNP is in continuous contact with BE Customs. New dates are published here:
  • Where can you find the MIG?
    You can find the MIG here:
  • Where can we find the code lists?
    Code lists can be found here:
  • Where can we find the list of Business Rules/VRE ?
    List of Business Rules :
  • Will a UI be available upon go-live ?
    The UI is not available yet in ACC. No information is available regarding this.
  • Can economic operators test?
    It is technically possible to test. There are, however, some important remaks to consider before deciding whether to test at this point in time: As indicated in the above summary and the clarification of the must haves before a go-live deadline there are a lot open questions and problems. If there would be widespread testing at this point, the customs helpdesk and customer services of software providers will be flooded with questions. The registration process for the ACC environment is quite complex and time consuming. E.g. your EORI would have to be registered and accounts for payments would have to be set up seperately. The system on FOD ICT has only two environments: DEV and PROD. It is customary to set up another environment in between which can be kept somewhat stable for testing by only releasing every few weeks. This is not the case in the current test environment, where all releases from development are directly available. Concretely this means that one day you will get answer A from the system and the next it will be answer B. This is making testing very hard, even for those in constant communication with the FOD ICT team.
  • Statistical value
    In PLDA Import it was not required to input the statistical value. This was calculated by customs. It was, however, possible to enter the tax costs. We cannot locate these tax costs in IDMS. Where can we input the tax costs? What should we input into the statistical value? Is this supposed to be the complete value or are those the extra costs that were not mentioned in the value adjustment? The statistical value will not be calculated by the declaration system this must be provided by the declarant. - The customs value on the basis of which taxes are calculated will be calculated from : ° The Item amount invoiced (14 08 001 ). ° This is the price of the goods for the declaration item concerned, expressed in the currency unit declared in Invoice currency (14 05 000 000). ° The INCOTERM code (14 01 035) The Additions and deductions (14 04 008)
  • Centralised clearance import in Belgium. When is the go live and how to proceed with this ?
    Currently this is not planned before 2025
  • You use transactional import f.e. into free circulation (40-00) and e-globalisation for special customs procedures. Does that mean we will have to connect to 2 different systems (PLDA and IDMS) ?
    Yes, you will be connected to PLDA for e-glob and to IDMS for transactional communication. Softwareproviders will foresee this. However: don't forget your "old" certificates for PLDA need to remain in place as well as your "old" callback addresses. Since this will be 2 completely different paths of communication.
  • write off NCTS via 7100 IDMS H2 : on header level or on article level ?
    All write off will be on item level based on the previous document in the unit KGM or in the unit that it has been broad in originally. in case of bonded warehouse : only for Public warehouses - not for private warehouses
  • is the print also available for IDMS on IDMS web like they are for AES on AES web?
    Currently not, this also means we cannot give any input on the structure yet. But the goal is that they will also be available there.
  • Information regarding the data sets
  • Information regarding the data elements (bijvoegsels)
  • Some General documentation:
  • Additional declaration: is this a new declaration with the same LRN? When should you fill in the MRN in 415?
    Supplementary declaration has a new MRN but the two MRN are linked. MRN of simplified declaration is provide as previous document and the MRN of de supplementary declaration is add to the system.
  • Supplementary declaration - In the first release following the simplified declaration (IE429), is there a way to know that it is a temporary release?
    When it is a simplified declaration the Additional declaration type will be B or C int the IE429. There are no other special mentions in IE429 but the system will put the declaration in GOODSRELEASEDAWAITINGSUPPLEMENTARYDECLARATION status.
  • Fiche 46 – will it also be available from IDMS?
    Fiche46 is an overview of the payable import duties/VAT by an EO during a certain period. Customs has acknowledged that this extract will also be available for IDMS
  • What is CRIN?
    CRIN number. CRIN (Custom's representation identification number) is the registration number and must be submitted in addition to the EORI number.
  • When is Office of presentation required?
    Office of presentation is only relevant for Centralized clearance
  • How to enter Repertoriumnummer ?
    Send in additional references
  • Preferential Origin
    Preferential Origin is mandatory and only allowed when preference is entered in declaration
  • Write-off – How to refer to complete previous document section for successful write-off Available and succesfully tested write-off’s in ACC environment: IDMS -> PLDA Goodsflow – SATO CUSCAR IDMS -> PLDA SAD IM7 J– public entrepot IDMS -> PN/TS TSD IDMS -> IDMS Write-off test still on-going: IDMS -> NCTS P4 -> link is active no feedback from NCTSP4 if write-off fails IDMS -> NCTS P5 -> no link yet IDMS -> PLDA Goodsflow – SATO CIR + Lyst – unable to create testdata
  • Fiscal representation – how to enter the different VAT numbers in the declaration ?
  • How is the tax base for duties and VAT calculated? How are the costs at header level distributed among the items?
    Taxbase is calculated by Tarbel depending of the price (itemamountinvoiced) and the additions and deductions. It is first calculated. The taxbase for the duties is calculated on that basis and then the duty taxbase + the duties to be paid as taxbase for the VAT The taxes are calculated by tarbel on a /item basis and then added and communicated to Finda for financial treatment. When the additions and deductions are provided on header level, they will be divided over the tariff items based on nett weight
  • Are amendements already possible in IDMS?
    No, currently the only option to correct is invalidate the declaration and create a new one.
  • What is the functional use of CRN and how does this number relate to MRN?
    For pre-lodge declarations it is the equivalent of an MRN, which will only receive an MRN once the PN has arrived. The value of the MRN will therefore become the value of the CRN at that time (unless the pre-lodge and the PN were submitted in different years) For non-pre-lodge declarations we can only assign one MRN at the time of acceptance, but for communication with other applications we do need something like an MRN. That is why we create a CRN, which we use for communication with Certex and goods accounting, for example. At the time of acceptance, an MRN is made, in most cases it will be a copy of the CRN. In summary, CRN is a unique identification of a declaration in our systems before there is an MRN, after acceptance the MRN is the unique identification of the declaration.
  • Is it possible to enter different methods of payment in 1 declaration
    Different methods of payment can be mentioned. Sequence number and method of payment (E, P, G, ...) is enough.
  • What about the NCTS5 deadlines?
    CRSNP is in continuous contact with BE Customs. New dates are published here: Mind that for NCTSP5 09/12/2024 for now is a BIG bang - the date till 21/01/2025 simply means that you can keep sending in messages into NCTSP4 to close the old messages that started in NCTSP4. update 26/11/2024
  • Where can I find the technical message specifications (MIG)?
    The MIG is published on This document contains a description of all the messages that will be send to and from the customs authorities. In this document several other documents are embedded e.g.: - Data mapping NCTS4 vs. NCTS5 - XSD files - Excel files with rules and conditions - Link to code lists - Instructions for the follow letter
  • Where can I find the error codes ?
    The business rules, technical rules, sequencing rules, conditions and BE rules are embedded in the MIG document
  • Where can I find the code lists?
    The code lists can be downloaded from the website of the EU: Choose "NCTS5" as domain in the dropdownbox and download the XML file There are also some national code lists: the are published on -> the lists are at the very bottom of the page
  • What about NCTSP5 web ?
    The first step is onboarding Access Managers This can be done by informing the helpdesk on who is responsible for your company, by providing them the following information: Name Company BCE # CBE (Crossroads Bank for Enterprises) / CBE (Crossroads Bank for Enterprises) / BCE (Banque Carrefour des Entreprises) / KBO number of the company National Register # With this information the helpdesk can add those users so called (Access Manager) to be registered in the IAM system and are will then be able to activate their first registration with their ID. once this is done - or if your company already has an access manager - you can move on with the next steps: Next step Role assignment : The access manager is now able to assign the role "FPS FIN Customs & Excise Internal Company Designation" property "Customs formalities" to the end-user(s): TEST: PROD: The onboarding process can proceed. For Belgian users, it's important to note that they all potentially exist, as all Belgians have access to CSAM through their EID, regardless of the environment. FEDIAM takes the info from CSAM/BOSA. The access manager is required to follow below procedure when assigning roles to end-users. NL: FR: IMPORTANT: for the first connection to the TEST (INT / ACC) environment, it is mandatory that users (access manager and end-user) use their electronic identity card (EID) to connect otherwise it risks creating a corrupt profile. In such cases, please submit a ServiceNow ticket to the helpdesk or send an email to to ask them to reset their TEST profile. Please be aware that all actions related to the individuals mentioned concerns to the TEST environment. Consequently, when accessing PROD, certain steps will need to be repeated. However, most companies typically already have Access Manager Role set up in PROD, so this aspect will not require duplication. Nevertheless, the role assignment by the access manager to the end-user(s) will need to be performed again, but this time in the PROD environment. Finally Access to NCTSP5 web: if everything is set up, the EO can connect to the AES web application shown below. ACC: PROD: not yet available
  • What is the transition period?
    The transition period starts from the moment that NCTS5 is going live in production in BE and runs until the last EU member state has made the switch to NCTSP5. Currently this date is technically set to 02/01/2025 (however this can be shifted depending on the readiness of other member states). Reason is that till that time we have to stick to certain rules that apply to the country with the lowest settings. for example your description of goods will be shortened to a specific number of digits, until the transistion period is finished because one of the member states can only receive this limited number. Once everyone is transferred the number of digits will be extended to what is agreed EU wide. Same applies to certain documents that have to be mentioned on item level during transition phase and on shipment level after transition period.
  • How do we receive cancellation decision (IE009)?
    For cancellation (= invalidation) decisions you have to send an email with your question to the NCTS helpdesk (
  • What about the location of the goods type ?
    For NCTS5 only location type C (approved location) in combination with identification type U (= UN Locode) can be used. In data element unlocode you have to mention the location code. Attention: the data element unlocode needs to contain the full location code known by the customs authorities. This is not a "real" 5-digit unlocode. You have to use the sames location codes as used in NCTS 4 e.g. location code for approved location, rto, ...
  • What about the emergency procedure?
    CRSNP had a meeting with all application managers and based on this meeting a proposal for the emergency procedure has been provided. We are awaiting remarks, additions and finally the approval by BE Customs. (document submitted on 17/05). Once approved details will be published here.
  • What are the URLs where we need to address our B2B Communication ?
    The URLs are published on
  • You did not receive the expected response message on your declaration, what now?
    You have send out an NCTS Declaration but did not receive a reply. Step 1 : Did you receive a correlation ID? if yes this means your message was received by customs. > go to the next step if no, this means your message did not reach BE customs, please check your credentials and your communication. Step 2: You did not receive any functional message: if you did not receive any of those you can try receiving the last message via the pulling mechanisme. if this works it means there might be something wrong with your callback registration /set-up to receive answers automatically. (you can check this via the self-service portal, check the registration and on-boarding topic) Step 3: Did you receive any functional message via callback or pulling mechanism. in case you received a technical or functional error: solve the error and resend your export declaration. if you do not manage to identify where it went wrong gather the following information: - correlation ID - MRN / LRN - date and time of the sending as a CRNSP member you can forward this to Peggy Cole ( non-CRSNP members forward this to NCTS helpdesk (

Your Contactperson

Bjorn Bollingh

Bjorn Bollingh

CRNSP assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. The information contained in this site is provided on an "as is" basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness...
This information can in no way overrule national or UCC law.

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